Monday, July 18, 2011


I am an avid reader from a long line of readers.

Some are skim readers,
like my grandmother,
flitting through chapters deducing the unread pages 
in the quest to find whats left to  discover.

Their are conversation readers
like my brother,
reading the words between quotation marks,
sacrificing details for speed from one page to another.

Some are re-readers
like me,
reading over and over
A hundred other storys making it hard to see

Their are typewriter readers
like my mom,
whose head trails across pops back again,
the silent tick-tick-ching breaks through the calm.

Some are angry-face readers
like my dad,
so lost in the details of the tale
 their eyebrows furrow enough to make them look mad.

Their are learner-readers
like my grandfather,
wishing to drink in all the information they can.
Books are ships full of data for their minds to harbor

I am an avid reader from a long line of readers
What kind are you?