Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Where oh where have rainbows gone,
What happened to the awe we held for the trees?
Where is the scent that wafted in the air
and made us love the touch of the breeze?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Little One

Babies Babies every where..
For those without it seems unfair..

That all these junkies and jerks...
Get such big perks...

Getting the chance to bring forth life..
but considering them nothing but strife..

Others desire one they can call their own..
but instead they're left feeling alone

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Fire


they burn and scorn
distorting the human form
consumes all that speak its name
Death and creation all the same
destruction that one can't forget
conquering without regret
so hard to gain
and harder still to maintain
Until the FLAMES of LOVE and HATE
completely obliterate

Written cerca 2003 - edited 5/17/10

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Who am I?
In the grand scheme
of things so often
left unseen

What purpose
do your two faces serve
when everything is on the line
and life throws another curve

Do you stand
and sacrifice
your heart and soul
for another's life

Am I worth
more than the another
because they have
less things to offer

Are they
to be cast down
left to seek acceptance 
that cannot be found

Or should their value
instead be tested
through actions, virtue
and the time invested

on Kindness and hope
the act of selfless giving
looking past the ideals of price
and learning the value in living

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


In my dreamy world
There are people filled with light
darkness left among the shadows
never to escape the night

Its filled with dreamy lives
led with beauty and charm
Where the love of Romeo
brought Juliet no harm

They all have dreamy hopes
that become truth instead of remaining dreams
No one ever knowing
the hurt disappointment brings

The real world
is filled with hurt covered with a lie
a place where
evil and pain never seems to die

Real lives each affecting the next
with no way for hate to be contained
to selfish to see
those who have been pained

They have real hopes
dashed out by a harsh reality
knowing that their dreams
may never be

Monday, February 15, 2010

America the Beautiful

We the People
Holding Each other at a distance
Unwilling and uncaring
Opening hearts with such resistance

Yet with something
As simple as a snow flake
The monotony of modern living
Takes a break

We can get a brief glimpse
at how the world once was
Isn’t it amazing what the images
Of children gathering outside to play does?

Exchanging nods and
The lifting of a warm cup of coffee
to the strangers
We once pretended not to see

Its gentle glow
Is something for which we should rejoice
For it gives the community we seek
A much deserved Voice

The face of your neighbor
And the kids down the street
Each a piece of the America
We have so desired to meet

Let it be a lesson
So we don’t forget
How to be a family
With those that we have met.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A little Prayer

As I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
And if I die this very night
Let someone out there continue my fight.
I stand for those too afraid to speak
Whose thoughts and lives are quite unique.
They are often heard but not truly seen
because Ignorance can make people mean.
I pray my God to heal the pain
So lives lost were not in vain.
People fear what they don't understand
but you give us nothing we can't withstand

In Honor of All those that couldn't escape the bully's words

Sunday, January 24, 2010

AdViCe is nIcE

<>Darlin' don't try to DiCtAtE<>

<> The thoughts you didn't help CrEaTe <>

<> Just rIdE the wave<>

<> and relinquish the cOnTrOl that you crave<>

<> Hope for the BEST<>

<> Prepare for the WORST<>

<-> by: EAB / JSS <->