Thursday, January 28, 2010

A little Prayer

As I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
And if I die this very night
Let someone out there continue my fight.
I stand for those too afraid to speak
Whose thoughts and lives are quite unique.
They are often heard but not truly seen
because Ignorance can make people mean.
I pray my God to heal the pain
So lives lost were not in vain.
People fear what they don't understand
but you give us nothing we can't withstand

In Honor of All those that couldn't escape the bully's words

Sunday, January 24, 2010

AdViCe is nIcE

<>Darlin' don't try to DiCtAtE<>

<> The thoughts you didn't help CrEaTe <>

<> Just rIdE the wave<>

<> and relinquish the cOnTrOl that you crave<>

<> Hope for the BEST<>

<> Prepare for the WORST<>

<-> by: EAB / JSS <->